Our Services

Secure facilities


Our secure hosting facilities are predominantly in the USA where highly qualified service staff and engineers are permanently on site to maximise operational efficiency.  These sites are up to 70% from renewable energy. From 2021 we have committed to moving that renewable energy metric to 100%.

Our chosen jurisdictions ensure the highest level of both physical and legal security.

Renewable European energy


As with all nascent markets, the mining and energy market for Bitcoin mining is developing quickly. Most companies favour energy at the lowest possible price.

We favour the most environmentally sustainable over pure pricing, but obviously are constrained by the need to remain competitive. Therefore we have sourced reliable European sites close to renewable power that allows for both environmental success and a competitive price

Over time this strategy is likely, in our view, to be the most secure, and ultimately profitable for investors.

Next generation technology


We specialise in the fastest and most efficient machines available, predominantly the Bitmain Antminer machines including the S19Pro and the S19J.

We can also provide MicroBT machines as well as other industry leading rigs if required . Our reconditioned service offers used models with firmware upgrades which can still be extremely profitable.

Blockchain expertise


We are buyers and holders of BTC and mine for our accounts. That experience over the last few years has been invaluable. Next Block Capital will help you avoid the array of novice investor errors that can be financially damaging, time-consuming and cause frustration. Profit from our expertise and experience and avoid the pitfalls of this complex market.

Digital currency advice


Our advice is honed around security, acquisition methodology and mining as opposed to the relative performance between one specific digital currency and another. In general we favour BTC Blockchain, and have no guidance on the thousands of other coins that exist, many of which are likely to fail completely and have little or no liquidity in the case of a stampede exodus.

Dedicated management team


Investing into our business means partnering with knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are willing to provide you with all the answers you will need to understand and act upon in the crypto currency arena. We welcome active engagement, there is so much development taking place that it is virtually impossible to keep pace with it and therefore the more input and discussion we engage with the better informed we are likely to be and remian.